Take the Pictures.
Growing up, my mom was the BEST about taking pictures. We have so many authentic pictures from growing up around the farm. Some of my favorite pictures are not posed, but natural images with the ones I love most.
This past week, we lost one of the best people I know - my Papaw Jim. Papaw had the ability to make everyone feel like the most important person in the world, a heart of gold and the ability to care for God’s land and animals. He gave God the glory for everything - and because of that, was able to bless others through his generosity. So many people knew and loved my Papaw Jim - and for that I will be thankful for the amount of lives he made a positive difference in.
We spent some time looking through old pictures my mom had taken throughout the years prior to his celebration of life via his visitation and funeral. There were many laughs and some tears as we reflected on our time together as a family. I am so grateful for these pictures that I will have to remember him by - and have to share with my future kids one day about him.
My Papaw Jim and I at the Whiteland FFA Banquet, where I spoke at as a State FFA Officer.
We had visited my Papaw when he was during dirt work. I love this picture because he’s in his work clothes and exactly how I remember him growing up.
My Papaw had recently celebrated his 75th Birthday back in August. We made the decision to take a few family pictures at his birthday party. Being our family’s local photographer (haha), I brought my camera along to take pictures of each individual family with Papaw, and we had someone there to take a whole group photo with everyone with my camera.
My Papaw at his 75th birthday party, with his faithful companion, Miss Ellie.
As I look back on these pictures, I am so thankful we took the 30 minutes to take pictures with Papaw that day. It’s hectic to coordinate a family as big as ours - especially with all of the sweet little ones running around - but I am so glad we did it. These pictures are something we will treasure forever and something I will reflect on as time goes on.
This isn’t me pitching you purchasing a session to you - but rather encouraging you to take pictures with the ones you love most. It can be an iPhone photo or a professional session, but more importantly, it is capturing a moment in time. One day, all we will have left are the pictures and memories. There is nothing more beautiful than having images to remember the small details of our family and friends. So, take the picture - because one day it is all that you will have.