Senior Session Guide

Senior sessions are such a bittersweet time for families. Often, this might be a family’s first time having a senior or maybe it’s been a few years since their family has had their pictures taken. As a Sunnybrook Creative client, you have access to Emily and her experience of capturing senior memories.

Here are a few quick suggestions based on guiding seniors and their families to a successful senior session:

  1. Location, Location, Location!

    Just like in realty, it’s all about location! My personal style as a photographer is to highlight the senior’s passion + interest through their location choice. Is your senior really into antiques + history? Let’s go to a historical downtown area. Are they country from their cowboy boots to their down home roots? Let’s find a rural location that fits. It’s a bonus if the location has a significant meaning or relation to the senior, but it doesn’t have to. I am happy to find locations that meet your needs as a client, but I am always open to suggestions!

    Check out Lilly’s session where we went to the Johnson County 4-H Fairgrounds. As a 4-H member, it was the perfect fit!

  2. What do we bring - or have ready for our session?

    Senior pictures are the perfect opportunity to showcase accomplishments, awards and involvements. Your senior has worked hard throughout their high school career and now is the time to celebrate! Some ideas include: sports jerseys/balls, FFA jackets, 4-H or livestock banners/awards, special cars, or maybe even awards/plaques. I encourage you to think about what matters to your family and senior and think about how we can highlight that through our images.

    Gracie’s mom had a great idea to showcase her well-rounded high school career. See more of her session here!

  3. What on Earth does my senior wear?

    The age old question - what to wear?!? I covered this on another blog - linked here. A few main highlights are: something the senior is confident + comfortable in and timeless items. It’s always a plus if the senior’s personality is shown through their outfit. (ex. favorite color, future plans, etc.)

  4. How do we prepare?

    Reflect: are there any must have poses, items to include or locations to capture? Make sure to discuss these ideas with Emily prior to the session. News flash: she can’t read your mind, so conversations are very valuable!

    Prior reflection and planning - on both the client and Emily’s part - helps ensure a relaxed session. When we have a calm and comfortable environment, Emily can capture the senior in their best selves. It is such an EXCITING time for your family, so enjoy these milestones!

  5. HELP! I am still lost!

    Guess what? Part of being a Sunnybrook Creative senior is having Emily as your go to gal for questions and answers. Reach out with your questions, concerns and ideas and Emily will be here to guide you along the way! This is a wonderful time for your family and Emily is here to capture your memories.


Take the Pictures.


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