Style Your Fall Family Photo Session Like an Expert
Styling a fall family photo session can be daunting, I get it. So many personalities and there’s always someone who has outgrown last year’s fall clothes.
I’ve been told I could have another #sidehustle as a personal shopper - or maybe that’s just my mom hyping me up when she gets another box full of my hand-me-downs; Nevertheless, I love creating outfits + color palettes that are both timeless and trendy — and yes, I believe it CAN be both!
Stick to a solid color palette and mix in a few coordinating patterns.
This client had stuck to a mustard/navy/grey/white color palette with a few patterns mixed in. This look made everyone coordinate, even though there is 4 individual families that make up the extended family.
Which of the horizontal palettes above inspire you? It is important that they are colors that you enjoy and would see yourself being confident in.
If you know yellow isn’t your color - or maybe it is - then look into a different color palette. At the end of the day, the final look needs to be something that you are happy with.
2. Find clothes that everyone feels comfortable in.
If Mom is always constantly worried about her dress and the toddler isn’t a fan of the scratchy sweater, it is best to pick clothes that you feel your best self in. The best pictures are when you are comfortable in the clothes you are in and feel your best self in.